We offer a comprehensive M&A process service and search for the best possible synergies
TMS experts have been providing consultancy services for mergers and acquisitions for more than 10 years and have participated in some major transactions in Vietnam. We monitor and provide advice throughout the M&A process or can merely be a part of your M&A story by providing a specific sub-service.
TMS experts will advise you about the type of financing that would be most favorable for you, either debt or equity financing, and help you obtain it. Every company needs a reliable source of financing in order to further expand its business growth. We manage the process of financing, refinancing, and support in the preparation of documentation. We will lead you through the entire process of financing, from the first step of analysis of the current structure of financing, risk assessment, approach sources of capital, and negotiations all the way to the achievement of the best possible terms and conditions of financing. We offer you:
– Debt financing
– Equity financing
Our M&A advisory team helps enable strategic growth through better integrated and operationalized mergers and acquisitions, JVs and alliances. In a fast-paced M&A market, we help companies move quickly to refine their growth strategy, perform deal sourcing, conduct diligence and valuation and achieve greater synergies during M&A integration.
M&A advisory: Buy and integrate
Our M&A advisory team helps enable strategic growth through better integrated and operationalized mergers and acquisitions, JVs and alliances. In a fast-paced M&A market, we help companies move quickly to refine their growth strategy, perform deal sourcing, conduct diligence and valuation and achieve greater synergies during M&A integration.
We conduct diligence to help you answer questions about the value drivers of your deal. Our clients include large cap and middle market organizations, as well as private equity funds.
Commercial Due Dilligence:
- What is the strategic rationale for this deal and what makes this target attractive?
- What incremental markets, customers or sales channels will be created or accessed by this acquisition?
- How does this transaction enhance our brand or market position?
Financial Due Diligence
- Do historical reported results accurately reflect run-rate profitability? Do you have the right data to support your forecast?
- What factors, if any, will affect the purchase price?
- What balance sheet and off–balance sheet exposures concern us most?
- How could accounting issues materially affect reported results or disclosures after closing?
Valuation, modeling, and economics analysis lie at the core of any strategic transaction. We must begin by asking:
- Is the purchase consideration complicated?
- Is the board protected through an outside opinion of value?
- Are the impacts of opening balance sheet valuation adjustments clearly understood?
Therefore, to ensure maximum efficiency, our approach to tax structuring demands a thoughtful comprehension of the target company’s value.
In the realm of operations and synergies, identifying the sources of synergistic benefits and quantifying them is paramount. We need to pinpoint the key operating risks and priorities both on Day One and in the post-Day One phase. These synergies, whether they pertain to revenue, cost, tax, or the balance sheet, must be delineated, and comprehensive plans should be in place for their implementation and realization.
Regarding transaction tax, the efficiency of our tax structure is pivotal in aligning with the commercial objectives and investment rationale of the transaction. We ought to adopt a globally coordinated approach to navigate the landscape of tax risk and controversy. As we adapt to the dynamic changes brought about by digital technology, we must carefully consider the implications for our target business strategies, models, and supply chains.
M&A Report
In addition, TMS Consultancy’s M&A and Fund raising team have released an annual M&A report to provide information on successful deals as well as content related to M&A activities over the years.